Your County Collector, Amy Faulkner

The County Collector is a countywide elected office with a four year term. I have worked in the Collector's office since 2007 and was elected to this position in 2022. I am currently serving in my first term as County Collector.
We hope you find this site easy to navigate and that it provides a service to you.
- Prepares current and delinquent tax statements and collects for Personal and Real property taxes for the various taxing entities of the county. Collects utility taxes.
- Collects merchant license, auctioneer license and duplicate tax receipt fees. Issues tax exempt waivers when applicable.
- The Collector is charged with the duties of collecting the taxes due, as shown on the Assessor's records, and then distributing the funds to the various taxing entities.
- The Collector also conducts the delinquent Tax Certificate sale in August.
Office Information
- Personal and Real Estate tax statements are mailed in November of each year. If you do not receive your statement by the end of November, please contact our office immediately.
- Please inspect your statements to verify that mailing address, vehicles and legal descriptions are correct.
- All tax statements are due upon receipt and become delinquent after December 31st.
- To avoid penalty and interest, be sure your payment is USPS postmarked no later than December 31st. Check with your local post office for hours of operation and mail pick up schedule. Payments postmarked after December 31st will be returned unprocessed unless penalty and interest are included.
- When mailing in your payment, please enclose the bottom portion of the statement. Receipts will be mailed to you as soon as we process your payment.
- If making payment in the office, please remember to bring in your tax statements.
- If you are paying after December 31, you should follow the penalty schedule printed on the bottom portion of the statement.
- Delinquent tax years must be paid before current taxes can be accepted.
- Failure to receive a statement does not relieve the taxpayer's obligation to pay taxes and any penalty and interest that may apply.
- Payments can be made in person, by mail or online at this website. Payment may be made with cash, personal check, money order, cashier's check or credit/debit card. There is an additional convenience fee for using debit or credit cards.
- Multiple bills may be paid with one check.
- Tax payments are made with the understanding that the County Collector will not be responsible should you make payment of taxes on property other than your own or if you fail to make payment on property you own.
Thank you for visiting the site, and we welcome suggestions for improvement to make it easier for you to use.
Contact Us
Phone Number: (417) 345-7836
Fax Number: (417) 345-4997
Office Hours
Monday thru Friday
8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 (Except Holidays) |
Dallas County Administration Building
102 S Cedar Street Buffalo, MO 65622 |
Mailing Address
PO Box 529
Buffalo, MO 65622 |